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Arts rooted in community

We aim to amplify and empower the voices of different communities, people and places through the creative arts in community-based settings.

At the Root Arts CIC is a creative arts organisation committed to working in the grass roots of communities to provide high-quality, engaging and meaningful weekly workshops, projects and events.

We are based in West Lothian but have ambition to work across Scotland to deliver opportunities for audiences and participants to engage with the arts in their local community. 


We create playful spaces for children, young people and adults to be curious, explore and challenge the world around them and find happiness in taking part in the creative arts.

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We produce high-quality performances and art work with children, young people and adults to engage audiences with exciting new writing and devised performances.



We facilitate spaces that promote confidence growth, skill development and promoting positive mental and physical wellbeing through participating in creative and social activity.

T: 07427674594

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